NWWP- thank you for the opportunity. Shawn, thank you for driving up to meet us and give the swag in person. It was greatly appreciated.
Tod, it was great meeting you and sharing campfire stories. Special thanks to you for cooking, skinning deer, and all the coordination.
Scott, if it wasn’t for you this trip could not have happened. Your property is beautiful and thank you for sharing it. Your hospitality, transportation to/from stands, fellowship, campfire stories, and welcoming this Air Force SNCO is something I will never forget!!!!
Eric, Johnathan, and Brad, it was greeting sharing deer camp with you. I slept well last night and recovered. 😜😜
Until our paths cross again, I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Please save my number and call if anyone of you need a place to stay near Little Rock, or would like a nice meal on your way through. God bless all of you. ”